Frequently Asked Questions
Is this web site affiliated with the Houston Police Department (HPD) or the City of Houston?
No. The data comes from the HPD website but there is no other connection.
What advantages does Houston Crime Stats provide over similar providers?
Houston Crime Stats provides address-specific crime information within 1 mile of a specific search. The search results provides all violent crime and residential burglaries for that area on a dynamic Google Map and the map can be zoomed in to see specific crimes and clusters of crime at one address such as an apartment property.
The major difference to other crime statistics providers in Houston is that the data and map are exported to a printable pdf. The report’s crime data is pre-sorted by distance from the searched address.
There are no subscription fees as you pay for each search conducted. 5 free searches are provided but the information is restricted to rape and murder.
The added advantage is that all searches, free and paid, are stored under your user name for future access. Within that access is the ability to review the same dynamic Google Map that was originally created. You never lose your searches and reports.
How accurate is the crime data?
The data originates with HPD. There is no guarantee that their data is 100% accurate. Addresses are geo-coded based on Google Maps and plotted accordingly.
Why is the map restricted to one mile?
The crime maps are designed to provide the user with an awareness of a neighborhood’s violent crime and residential burglaries.
Why are residential burglaries included?
Burglaries are not violent crimes. However, burglaries are not always committed with the intent of taking property. There are cases where the criminal offender is seeking a victim for a sexual assault. We strive to provide the critical data for the user.
Why are the crimes restricted to murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, and residential burglaries?
Most crime data, including those published by the Houston Police Department, contains every type of crime from shoplifting to Capital Murder. Houston Crime Stats helps the user by limiting the information to only the most serious crimes.
How many years of data is available?
Houston Crime Stats provides crime maps and crime data for a rolling 1.5 year time frame. Commercial users have options to request a longer time frame through customized reports.
How current is the data? How often updated?
The crime data is updated by the Houston Police Department about six weeks after the end of the month. In other words, at the end of April, the new data would not likely be available until mid June.
Does the crime information provide any personal data such as a name?
No. The only information is the crime type, the date, the premises type and address.
Why are some addresses shown only as a block number?
HPD may restrict specific addresses from the public for sensitive crimes involving sexual assaults. There is also the possibility that the victim only gave a general block number or the crime did not take place at a specific address.
If I buy (credits) access to more than one address but don’t use all of them, can I get a refund?
No. The terms of use clearly state there are no refunds for any unused credits.
Please take care when entering an address for a full report. We do not provide refunds for typographical errors.
Is my credit card information being stored?
No. Credit card information is not stored on the Houston Crime Stats website.
How do I get a copy of a police report?
Copies of Houston Police Incident Reports are provided via the Texas Public Information Act. Look for “Public Information Requests” on the HPD web site to learn more.
Is it possible to tell if an area is safe to live based on the data from Houston Crime Stats?
No. Houston Crime Stats, LLC makes no guarantee, expressed or implied, about the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or correct sequencing of the information. Additionally, Houston Crime Stats, LLC makes no representations or warranties of a particular location’s safety.